If you grow lavender (Lavandula spp.) Perennial herbs such as rosemary, sage, chives, winter savory, thyme, oregano, and mint can stay outdoors over the winter in many zones. Prepare your lavender for winter by pruning them into a mound shape that … In an open winter with no snow cover, we may pile a thin layer (1 to 2 inches) of straw or shredded leaves over them for added cover. This post contains affiliate links. No wonder growing lavender in pots has become a trend over the recent past. Lavender pots can be stored over the winter for the next season. English lavenders are cold hardy and can tolerate temperatures dropping as low as -10°C (14°F) and are consider hardy up to USDA zone 4. Overwintering Lavender 1. Lavender is pots are particularly susceptible to root rot in the winter as the soil tends to be cold and stay wet for longer. I have been a qualified professional landscape gardener for over 10 years and I'm here to share all my experience with you on gardener report! We are in zone 6. Caring for Lavender in containers is easy! If the lavender is in the direct path or forced air or radiators then the temperature around the lavender will fluctuate significantly through the day. Every year, I have planted lavender in my garden beds in front of my house. English Lavenders will survive winter in pots and tolerate frosts and cold weather, whereas French and Spanish lavenders will not survive outdoors over winter in climates that experience frost and will need to be brought indoors for protection. With the correct preparation root rot can be easily avoided. Lavenders need well draining soil, that does not hold onto moisture for long periods as the roots like to dry out between bouts of watering. When you choose perennials for containers, you need to consider their climate adaptability. Non English lavenders will only survive winter in mild climates and need to be transferred into pots and brought inside over winter. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. Learn more about winter preparations for Lavender plantings and how to care for Lavender plants that are in the ground. The lavender will attain enough water over winter from rainfall. Taking care to follow a few simple preparations allows you to return the favor and provide winter stress relief for your Lavender. If the lavender is not a cold hardy variety and your have brought it indoors to protect against frost, then it will need watering once every 4 to 6 weeks so the pot does not dry out completely during the winter. If your Ivy is turning... Rose leaves turn yellow as a result of too much fertilizer, nutrient deficient soil, drought stress, saturated soil, not enough light or because of fungal disease. Angelica In winter, consider growing lavender indoors in a room that’s cooler than the rest of the house. Learn more about growing Lavender indoors. They grew beautifully over the summer. One third (33%) sand or gravel to two thirds (66%) potting soil is a good guide to aim for when amending the soil. Check locally to find out exactly which plants survive outdoors all year […] For this reason placing the lavender in a garage can be a good compromise as in a lot of climates garages generally stay above freezing so provide good protection without being too hot. The soil will insulate the roots. WOuld love ideas of places to purchase and varieties! It is recommended that you plant lavender into soil or multi purpose potting mix that is amended with course sand or gravel. Nearly every year, I lose at least half of the plants over the winter. French lavender appreciates well-draining, light and even poor soils. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. If this is not possible then place the lavender in a sunny window in the home ideally out of direct hot air currents and they lavender should be quite happy until it is ready to go back outside when the weather has warmed up again in the spring. Of course, as the weather varies greatly between different zones, so do the herbs in winter that can stay outside. Potting mix may freeze, but that isn’t a … The bigger the pot is, the more soil it will contain. Keep reading for best practices and how to ensure lavenders of all species survive winter and live for up to 15 years. Winter Care For Lavender Plants. First off, if you are wondering “Can I grow lavender in my garden even though our temperature often gets below zero during the winter?” the answer is “Yes!”—although it will require a little extra attention and care on your part.Lavender originated in the Mediterranean climate, so most varieties will thrive in warm, dry, temperate weather (hardiness zones 7-9). Keep them sleeping. It is recommended that you plant lavender into soil or multi purpose potting mix that is amended with course sand or gravel. Perennial herbs, such as chives, lavender, oregano, thyme, overwinter well in the ground. Spells of mild winter weather trick plants into thinking it’s spring – which can kill them. (Read my guide on watering lavenders in pots for more details). French and Spanish lavenders will typically do best in areas where average winters are relatively mild and temperatures stay above 10°C (50°F). Tender Lavender plants grown in pots require a little more work because they cannot withstand cold conditions unlike the more hardy types. (Answer) Lavender pots can be stored over the winter for the next season. In the fall, shear back the plants by about one-third (avoid cutting into older, woody stems) – you should be left with a compact cushion of leafy stems. The second best thing you can do is sink the potted lavender in the ground near a wall over winter. We therefore added lots of grit to the soil before planting and this probably helped them to survive, especially on the heavy clay of our Glasgow garden. To keep them alive overwinter you will need to start preparing them 2-3 weeks prior to freezing temps. One of the keys to keep potted lavenders alive over winter is to plant them in a relatively big pot, even if it is a smaller variety of lavender. English lavender is hardy in Zones 5 and warmer, usually overwintering in the ground outside just fine withoutany added protection. Plastic containers are usually resilient enough to tolerate freezing, while certain natural pot materials, such as untreated terra cotta, readily absorb water, which can expand when frozen and end up cracking the pot. The course sand or gravel will improve the soils structure so that there is good drainage in the pot and they also do not hold onto moisture in the same way that rich organic compost would. Lavender grow naturally in the Mediterranean in gravelly, sandy soil so this is essentially mimicking their natural growing conditions. Think about it this way. The larger the pot the better. Another important step is to scale back watering over winter. Home | Gallery | About | Resources | Privacy Policy | Disclosure | Site Map, Lavender plants that have been potted up need special care when cold weather comes. If your growing lavender in a colder climate the minimum size of the pot should be 16 inches across with a proportional depth. The beauty of growing lavender in pots is that it can be moved to avoid dangerous conditions. The soil will act as insulation for the roots when the temperature decreases, protecting the roots from frost. Hostas are easy to overwinter in containers. Most of the times lavender plants die off due to the wet and waterlogged soil in winter. It grows 12 to 18 inches tall and needs little care, other than winter protection. I love lavender, it’s so classic and fragrant. Since it is a Mediterranean plant, a few things need to be kept in mind during winter. Rose leaves turn yellow and drop... Hey I'm Mark. Spanish lavender (Lavandula stoechas) is better suited to warmer areas and grows in USDA zones 6 through 9. In winter, other trees are tucked underground and coated with mulch, which protects their roots from the cold. link to (9 Reasons) Why Rose Leaves Turn Yellow, how to care for both indoor and outdoor lavenders over winter take a look at my article. This beautiful herb has an amazing potential of staying evergreen throughout the year depending on weather conditions and the location. English lavenders (Lavandula angustifolia) are the only species of lavender that can survive outdoors in pots over winter in colder temperate climates with many English lavender varieties hardy to USDA Zone 4 Hidcote and Munstead lavender varieties are valued for the fragrance and ability to endure harsh weather. Soil that has been amended with sand or gravel will drain better and stop lavender in pots developing root rot over winter. 1. Take care to grow your lavenders in a dry well-drained soil. However it is still important that the lavender sees some sun, even in the darker winter months so when you bring the lavender indoors place it in the sunniest window in your house/garage/heated greenhouse or wherever you have enough space. If the lavender is left outdoors in its pot then you should stop watering in the early fall and not resume watering till early spring. Insulate plants from misleading weather by loosely mounding branches of pines, junipers and other evergreens over dormant herbs. At the beginning of the season I bought 2 small lavender plants and put them in one large clay pot, about 24 inches in diameter. keep your potted Lavender alive until the weather warms up. Freezing temperatures and snow aren’t handled very well by lavender plants. Lavandula angustifolia ‘Munstead’ Munstead is an English lavender that is hardy from zones 4 to 9. This will also ensure there is enough space for established roots at the lavenders maturity. (For more information on how to care for both indoor and outdoor lavenders over winter take a look at my article). On the worst days of winter, your potted plants are likely a bit jealous of the nearby trees planted in the ground. Aim to keep roots alive through winter, but not to push heavy new growth. Always bring the lavenders indoors before the first frost and water sparingly once every four to 6 weeks. … One danger of leaving your lavenders in pots in the cold is that if there is enough moisture in … Wait until the pot is noticeably lighter or even until plants start to … Winter rains can rot improperly established lavender roots. French lavenders are native to the Med where, although it can get cold in winter, it's drier than the UK and the soils are far more free draining. Herbaceous perennials in pots — plants that die back and are dormant in winter — that have been part of your summer container displays need to be protected over the winter if they’re going to survive and bloom again next year. In areas that are too cold to support the French and Spanish lavenders in pots all year round, the lavender may be treated as an annual plant that needs to be replaced every year if they are not moved indoors. 2. A dying Ivy plant is usually because of under watering, over watering or because the Ivy is planted in a pot that is too small with limited access to moisture and nutrients. The smaller the pot is the more vulnerable the lavender will be to the cold. All Cultivars of lavender will need some care and attention over winter, so this advice applies to all lavender species. Lavender is pots are particularly susceptible to root rot in the winter as the soil tends to be cold and stay wet for longer. Whether your potted lavender survives winter depends on the species of Lavender. There is also some specific steps you should take to look after french and Spanish lavenders over winter if you scroll further down. Pots that are 16 inches across and the same proportionate depth are ideal even if it is a smaller variety of lavender. I have such a hard time growing lavender by seed - it takes most of the summer for it to look like a real plant and then it is discouraging for it to die over the winter. If you get reliable snow cover you can grow it in zone 3, as well. There are several steps and best practices that you can make to ensure that your potted lavender survives winter…. Below you will find suggestions on how to care for Lavender and. The variety Hidcote Superior is the most resilient to cold weather. Overwintering: If you live in a climate where the winters are harsh, store your potted lavender plants in a garage or indoors during the winter to protect them. Bring the plants into an unheated garage or porch that is sheltered from wind. English lavenders are cold hardy and can survive winter in pots up to USDA zone 4 with the right care and preparation. It can grow more or less anywhere, but is vulnerable when temperatures drop below 19°F (-7°C) in winter. A little mulch also would be great. This is great if you love lavender, but live in a zone with harsher winters. But potted trees sit out in the open. Another important step is to plant the lavender into the correct soil. Read my article to choose the best type of pots and containers for growing lavender. Here’s a quick guide broken down by zone. In cold-winter climate areas, many container-grown perennials, trees, and shrubs can’t be left out in the elements — even if the same plants growing in the ground are perfectly hardy. With the correct preparation root rot can be easily avoided. Double Check Your Container . In most areas simply wait until a few hard freezes and then cut back tall herbs to within 4 to 6 inches of the ground. English lavenders are perennial plants (as are all lavenders) that are capable of tolerating frost, snow and temperatures as low as -10 C, whereas French (Lavandula dentata) and Spanish lavenders (Lavandula stoechas) are generally not cold hardy and will not survive winter in pots in cold climates. Potted Lavender brought indoors for winter protection will only need to be water once every 4-6 weeks. Once harvesting is done, you can leave the plant uncut for the winter.But if you experience heavy winter snow, you can minimize snow damage by shearing the … Although all are tough plants that usually survive winter in their growing zones, a little extra care in fall can help lavender put out lots of healthy new growth in spring. The more porous a container is, the more likely it will be to crack. You can always grow your favorite Lavender in a pot and then overwinter it inside or in a sheltered garden shed as long as you provide an adequate light source. In hotter, dry rooms lavenders may need watering every 3 weeks in winter but only once every 4 to 6 weeks in rooms with more stable temperatures. This means as much sunlight as possible with good air circulation. Munstead Lavender. English Lavenders are cold hardy and can be left outside over winter. Just like mints, lavender belongs to Lamiaceae family and can be described as a semi- woody perennial sub- shrub. Water your lavender after planting, and then pull back on the water. With its fragrant, blue-violet flowers, it is also a popular plant in a pot on the terrace or balcony. 3. However they will thrive with relatively little maintenance in climates that do not experience frost and freezing winter temperatures such as those in the Mediterranean region of Europe and the warmer states in the US. French and Spanish lavenders require warmer temperatures if they are to survive winter and will likely die in the first frost of winter if they are not brought indoors in the early Fall. French and Spanish lavender pots will need protection from Winter cold and should be brought indoors in the Fall before the first frost of Winter. Lavenders do like to experience somewhat cooler temperatures in winter as this replicates their natural cycle, rather then overly heated rooms. Spanish lavenders are the least cold hardy so you will need to bring them inside if the temperature goes below 10°C (50°F) for an extended period. I even dig it up, pot it and bring it in doors and it doesn't thrive. Over watering potted Lavender grown inside is the main reason for plant fatality. Outdoor potted lavender does not need watering during winter as it is in a state of dormancy and will attain enough water from rainfall. Store your potted lavender plants in a garage or indoors during the winter to protect them. This will ensure that your potted lavenders soil drains effectively and the roots stay free from root rot during winter. The advantageous aspect of growing lavender in pots is that you will be able to grow French and Spanish lavenders outdoors for most of the year and bring them indoors for winter protection if you live in a colder climates or there is an unexpected drop in temperature and a increased possibility of frost that will harm the lavender. Herbaceous perennials die back to the ground in the winter and come back to life with the bright, warm days of spring. Tips for both the cold hardy and tender plants are given below. Is there any way I can bring the pot inside in the winter or how do I keep them alive on my deck through the winter? Make sure your lavender is planted in a spot that has fast-draining soil, and work organic matter in the form of compost or peat moss as well as horticultural sand into the planting site. During cooler winter months, water only when soil is dry to the touch about 1 inch deep. However too much sand and gravel is always better then not enough when it comes to potted lavenders so be generous if you are in a climate with a lot of rainfall. Dig up the herbs, add sand or other organic matter to improve drainage, and replant the lavender. When temperatures start to fall, bring your container grown lavender plants inside to tough the winter out by placing them in a window that receives full sun. In cold winter areas (USDA zones 3-5), add a 2- to 3-inch-thick layer of shredded bark mulch on top of the herbs for added protection. Bigger pots contain more soil which helps to insulate the lavender roots from the cold. The plants need very little water from November to February. Help, this is the first year I did well with lavender. Make sure your container is strong enough to last through winter. We recommend planting it in fall, but you can plant in spring without any problems. Bring them into an unheated garage or porch that is sheltered from wind. In colder climates it is necessary to bring French and Spanish lavenders indoors over winter as most varities will not tolerate frost and cold weather. The woody parts of the plant are weak and can be prone to splitting and breaking under the heavy snow and ice of winter. Then harvest stems for their fragrant foliage and flowers from late spring through the midsummer months, but stop harvesting in late August or early September. Lavender likes heat, and many varieties won’t survive a cold winter. Spend the winter indoors. Dig a hole in the ground deep enough to place the whole pot in the ground, with the soil level of the ground the same as in the pot. Lavenders are in a state of dormancy over winter, so you need to be cautious as to where you place the lavender in the home. The English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is one of the most popular plants for flower beds. Lavender Plants Outside. Perennial Herbs up to Zone 4. (If you are unsure, I have an article on how often to water lavender). Lavender is a woody perennial, so it does continue to grow from year to year, but the stems remain upright through the winter in preparation for new spring growth. Lavenders are drought resistant plants that do not need to be watered frequently even at the height of summer and excess water in water will lead to root rot. Most lavenders die during winter because the soil they are planted in becomes waterlogged or soggy. Herbs by Zone. Water a bit at the beginning and then keep from watering as much as possible. Back on the worst days of winter, your potted plants are given below pots has become trend! 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