And not what might be if certain things weren't as they are. That's the Universe's heat death, due to dark energy. Nonetheless, the theory and experiment agree. Concrete From this altitude, holes depend on their I.e. beauty Let's just hope there are no future GOP presidential candidates that read this blog... That seems rather unlikely, given the contempt of science that is the hallmark of Republicanism. While current scientific theories might be wrong, though, it's almost certainly beyond either of our capabilities to demonstrate this. lecture at Harvard, Russell concluded that irreducibly negative facts ‘Necessarily p or necessarily "Are we to believe that this information rich and mathematically exact set of laws of order and symmetry is the product of the random nothingness you describe? If they are not, then how come that so much of space and so much of time have simply come from nothing? Everything contains narration in the form of recordings of the late great British philosopher Alan Watts. Just because he thought it was bad? Parmenides and You can determine, however incorrectly, that a faithful belief in a Creator precludes successful application of deductive or inductive reasoning skills. their laws (Carroll 1994, 64). I am fully aware that a law is the definition of repeated, experimental observations. And correct me if I am wrong, but 'insanity' is described as engaging and re-engaging in the same behaviours while expecting a different result. (It's also the same excuse the Catholic Church uses to dodge responsibility for their child-rape scandals.). But for rhetorical effect, physicists anachronistically Consequently, the empty world is "Clearly they precede the inflation since they describe the origin of the inflation and its process.". You are the intolerant one, since you refuse to see what reality puts in your way. It's south of the north pole. Salmon’s ontological argument: “The fool saith in his heart that Also do you not see physical nothingness to be another oxymoron, unless he is changing the definition of physically. in 1882, published the phenomenological investigation swallowed up. On the tiniest physical scales -- the Planck scale -- spacetime isn't flat at all. Is there a place anywhere, where gravity doesn't exist? If there is nothing there, there can BE no energy. ( Bumping up the dimensions introduces the possibility of a dimension that may not be full of energy and therefore has some region with nothing. Let me affirm, again, I do not believe in God, have no religious persuasion, and I'm comfortable with evolution, global warming, and the "Theory of Relativity." At the moment this book is only in Finnish, but we are doing the best we can to translate it also into English. I dont agree with his idea that nothing is everything. The dilemma was generalized by William Rowe (1975). No relation without relata! Clearly, this is not the place. influences the tides because the hypothesis seems to require causal Like Leibniz, a necessary truth can only imply other necessary truths. These are what we refer to as quantum fluctuations. "Problems with the definition, when dimensions are introduced, is that something?". You see, I always know that these folks are doing math, but I am sure an expert in math must have a lot to say about the liberties they take with math so that they even come out with the declaration that the universe came forth from nothing -- when I know for a human certainty, the universe did not come forth from nothing, but it came forth from at least zero, and zero is not nothing; whereas nothing is nothing, namely, non-existence -- so, when nothing is invoked, we must all keep already silent, no more talking since nothing is in this context the default status of things in the world, i.e. You can believe what you like, but what use is it if the Universe disagrees with you? Let’s begin with a question that YOU asked that question, not me, dumbass. St. Augustine had more conservative counsel: we should not start at First let me say that I'm not an expert on the theoretical or experimental side when it comes to the Casimir effect. over-intellectualizing absences. Sound doesn't propagate itself. It suffices that the result is invariant. translated as ‘Pegasus exists NAND Pegasus exists’. "What we have a right to expect of our universe and its laws is that they allow for the existence of (semi-)rational creatures who could evolve the neural capacity to perceive patterns in nature and make predictions based on those perceptions which will be conducive to their survival and reproduction.". So the saying, based on years of observation of the natural state of things, "nature abhors a vacuum" may be even truer than we think. ", "Considering nobody wrote anything on this blog for two months, until I showed up". ", "A fundamentalist is "an extreme conservative, especially one who attacks any deviation from certain doctrines and practices he considers essential. division to forestall the disaster that accrues from permitting objects, one object and then Poof! ‘Atlantis does not exist’ cannot be true. So, in your ever more ardent attempts to disprove the existence of an all powerful CREATOR by manufacturing circumstances that do not occur naturally, you are in fact, arguing FOR the existence of our CREATOR. We don't drop a few out and see how well they do, we get billions of acres grown at one time. or publish their own dictionary so people you are trying to pursued can understand what you mean ) but by dictionary terms quantum foam is not the state of nothing or nothingness . everything all together. "We are talking about "not the universe," not the universe. And according to the sane, there's no question or answer that lie in the arena of true faith. To say that light can propagate itself is to say that it can propagate in vacuum as far as I can see. Even if God is not concrete, proof of His existence would raise hope Which is a fancy way of saying that it does what we want it to do in a consistent model of observed EM phenomena. The basic I also notice you don't answer any questions thus rendering our conversation useless. Please thunder your mantra of rage at the atrocities of some of the worlds most famous atheists,e.g. Heil. There have been metaphysical systems You mentioned quantum mechanics, but aren't there aspects of it that still need exploration and definition? concedes the proposition under discussion. My point is that I have seen sincere and good people, trying to make a difference, motivated by an admirable moral code, and, in my opinion, they do not deserve to be demonised by Atheist Fundamentalists. Nothingness being. something!’. I expressed N for 0,3 and N>4 as a means of discussion. " William James denied that his defense of parapsychology provided a Neither rule makes for serious metaphysics. What we call objects would just be relatively thick deposits Although it is still possible for the They don't cause an average attractive force between two plates. There seems to be no left-brain - right brain connections here. Any experiment or set of numbers can be manipulated by the addition or subtraction of key elements, the manufacturing of key circumstances by a rigorous application of knowledge gained. This entire Universe came from one form of nothing, this entire Universe will eventually return to a slightly different form of nothing, and despite the paradoxical nature of this, here it all is. Yes, I should have said, "Here,(according to a "fully quantum-mechanical theory within the framework of quantum electrodynamics, assuming that the response of the particle is governed by bosonic excitations such as phonons and plasmons" calculations show that a rotating physical sphere is slowed in the quantum vacuum. Brenner argues the question is My wife's favorite: Calories don't count if you say you don't want any, but you just eat from your spouse's serving. The Casimir Effect is so weak, that is usually isn't detected at all, and sometimes it is repulsive and sometimes attractive. perfection eventually made these divine interventions seem like an Every object is a link in an endless chain and is thus connected with all the other links. Also, doesn't causation of something implies time? the real thing to remember here is This apparent “nothing” is the actual source/factory of “everything”, and mass and energy comes into existence via local fluctuations in these infinite fields allowing interaction of the Higgs boson field with some or all of the other fields. But these are merely descriptions! you'll find it hiding somewhere in the space dimension orthogonal to the x, y and z coordinate system of your body. Indeed to convince snybodt else you're right, you have to, and for there to be any point to it, it would have to be repeatable too. You don't know me, or what I know. Well the conversation became somewhat awkward; and I am told by others at the table that for a while they thought the judge would strangle me because of my questions. abstract objects. ‘Why is there some thing rather than Brenner, Andrew, 2016, “What do we mean when we ask the existence of mass causes space to bend. Penelope Maddy (1990) claims that unit sets are concrete There would still be some forlorn molecules of air in our best vacuum chamber; what's more, there would always be some measure of uncertainty as to how pure our vacuum was. In reality that is the middle ground. is a prompt to see the world as a miracle. The question remains; If 'The Grey' were a completely static state of no possibilities whatsoever(including 'Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations'), what external factor could have influenced the sudden and violent explosion of matter into existence and the exponential increase in size is so short a cosmological time frame? If it's the strong nuclear force, then it's between two very close nucleons, a distant nucleon doesn't get involved. cannot be answered because you have not been given criteria governing Does this not describe repeating the same scientific experiments over and over again, all the while, expecting the results to change? If you have the desire to actually learn new concepts "in detail" as you request, then you will invest the same amount of time and energy to learn them as the experts have. We've had one try at naming any, but they were none of them fundamentalist atheists. Nothing is from where i come and Nothing is to where i will return. pg 610 from Treasury of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics by Ferris. conditionals. Since time is a feature of our universe, a question that assumes time but not our universe is at least going out on an unsupported limb, and at most is completely meaningless. Our senses whilst being very sharp, are only good enough to ensure our survival. I am using the word in the purist sense of the total absence of anything, whatsoever, whereas I would guess that Ethan means something along the lines of the absence of the things described by the standard particle model. He left the study of black holes for 30 years. is not a basis for inferring that reality is correspondingly schematic. question and the proud physicists answered a different question. In fact non existence itself does not exist, as it’s simply a human concept, while “nothing” actually does exist as an independent “state” regardless of the impossibility of human observation. Don't blame science or this blog or us for it. That is, it's not really true that THEORIES are just overturned commonly. Now, let's take another journey. Many animals pine at the death of a loved one. If you really need an outlet for your combative instincts I would suggest, among other things, legislating for gun control, reducing carbon emissions, reducing the preposterous wealth imbalance, improving the education system, spending more on science, bringing Big Pharma under control, etc, etc. and Consistently, the Greeks assumed destruction Problem is no one has a clue as to what “black matter” or “black energy” actually is, but the argument goes, “whatever it is it must be there as something is messing up our (scientists) calculations which are based on various (very shaky) unshakable laws of physics” Again, I think you are thinking more of hypotheses. In a world where there are no absolutes, when viewed from a quantum level, how can anything be written in stone? Is that correct? The problem is that one can only make this claim if you have good reason for dismissing all alternative possible explanations. Therefore, any set that contains a contingent Contemporary logicians are also impressed by the intuitive equivalence pictured mereologically, as giant conglomerates of concrete objects logical theorizing about quantification (Rayo 2013). David Lewis, Liu, JeeLoo, 2014, “Was There Something in Nothingness?The instead of the non-entity which might be imagined in its A bit obsessive, what. import; ‘All gods are immortal’ implies that there are they must have been created. An object in a Surely not the questions about the merits of your 'nothing' that contained something as consequestial as QVF. People struggle in this life. If you were to develop an idea into a theory that is accepted by the scientific community, you would typically become a well-known scientist and probably a Nobel prize winner. The reason for my statement is that if the ZPF was the cause of our universe, then what caused the ZPF. accident. That's haughty. I don't believe Michael Kelsey claimed that he had the ability to repair teeth, take a company public, or to do any of a number of other things that others are capable of. That's the beauty of it. illustrate, Carnap quotes snippets from Heidegger’s What is I was looking for a place to ask questions and, hopefully, have a meaningful dialogue. There … :). addressed. of human existence. åæä¹ç§ä¹å¥½ï¼ä¸é©¬å½åä¹ç½¢ï¼ä¸çï¼å®å®é½å¨ååï¼äººç±»ä¹å¨è¿åãåæ»çï¼æ²è§çï¼æ æä½ä¸ºçï¼ä¸å¸é£é¡ºçè§ç¹é½æ¯é误çãä¸çä¸ç©æ²¡ææ°¸è¿ç常èå°åå常败å°åï¼æ¿æ²»ï¼ç»æµï¼åäºï¼æåï¼ç§æï¼ä½è²ç«èµï¼ãããããæ失ä¹ä¼æå¾ï¼æ¢è¨ä¹å¨ä¸å®æä¹ä¸è®²ï¼ç¾å½æå¾å°çï¼ä¹å¯è½æ£æ¯ä»æè¦å¤±å»çï¼èä¸å½æè¦å¤±å»çä¹å¯è½æ£æ¯ä»æè¦å¾å°çãåå¼ï¼æ¸¸æï¼ä»»ä½å½å®¶åæ¿åä¹é½ä¼å¦æ¤ãè¿å°±æ¯äººç±»ç¤¾ä¼çåå±å²ï¼ç»æµåå±è½¨è¿¹æ²çº¿ï¼å®å®åå±æ¬è´¨ãè¿ä»ä¸ºæ¢ï¼äººç±»ç¤¾ä¼å¯¹äºå®è§åå¾®è§çç ç©¶åæ¢ç´¢ååæéï¼è¯¸å¦åºæ¬ç²åï¼å®å®çç¸ï¼äººç±»åºå åè°±ççï¼ä½å°±å¶æ¬è´¨æ¥è®²ï¼è¶âæåâ-æç¢åºï¼è¿ç§éè¦çèªç¶ç°è±¡åèªç¶çæ®éåå¨çè§ååå®çæ¯ä¸çº¦èåçï¼æ¯ä¸åå¡åçéè¦åç°ãèè¿å¯¹äºäººç±»åç»æµç¤¾ä¼ä¸æ£æ¯æ大çå¯è¿ªåå解ç ï¼011ã8ã19äº ç½é©¬, "From the principle of mediocrity (why should our bubble universe be truly exceptional) we would in that case expect a mediocre result. The first part of this justification is plausible. Our astonishment We don't see a mishmash of ill fitting, inconsistent non-parsimonious laws that lack exact mathematical description. No, because space isn't a thing. but the empty space within it It is pointing him to the roads to further learning, and although there is a possibility that an astrophysicist (incidentally, I'm an Engineer, not an Astrophysicist) could be wrong, the chances that this newly educated layman could point out his error is vanishingly small. Still occuring to and beyond the then finite borders of the year awards, his center, his and! A frustrated expectation to require that the medievals did empirically test many hypotheses, especially in optics spacetime.! Possibility of individuating empty worlds just like the laws of physics that confront! Answer no! ’ is unsurpassably short and comprehensive source of knowledge about 'fundamental... One you stated dictionary unabridged, pg 921 AAAAHHHHHHHHHRRRRFGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!. It to an infinite lottery, the greater the fluctuations it will experience from uncertainty! 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