In addition to the temperature, another thing you want to watch out for is drafts. Calathea zebrina are safe for your pets and young kids. Botanical Name: Calathea orbifolia. This means tap water is not a good idea since most cities add these chemicals to it. (We’ll be talking mostly about calathea, but these tips should do well for any variety of prayer plant.) Native to Brazil, Calathea Zebrina thrives in warm temperatures, high humidity and indirect, dappled light. An eastern or northern facing window would be ideal. Calathea Zebrina sure likes its humidity. Calathea Medallion (Calathea Roseopicta ‘Medallion’) Care & Tips, Calathea Orbifolia Plant Care – Growing Prayer Plant, How to Grow & Care for Calathea Musaica (Goeppertia Kegeljanii), How to Grow & Care for Calathea White Fusion, Calathea Plant Care – How to Grow the Zebra Plant, Your email address will not be published. That said, prevention is always better, which is why a lot of the sections above talk about water and drainage. A North facing windowsill would be the first choice here, but any other situation will be acceptable providing you can provide shielding from the direct sunlight these places would receive at some point during the day. However, because it likes moist conditions, the risk of overwatering is always there. Calathea zebrina need moist, well draining soil. Gorgeous looks as well as being human and pet safe (non-toxic) plant, this one is one of our plant favorites, even if it can be dramatic at times. Your plant will need a while to adapt to the new environment, in this time you may notice some stress related issues (slight yellowing or dropping leaves). Light. That’s not a good way to do things. In fact, direct sunlight will burn the leaves of a Calathea plant and cause it to lose its vibrant colors. Carefully inspect the plant for any potential damage and disease once you bring it home and during quarantine. Ideally, your calathea zebrina is happiest when the temperature is kept constant. Your email address will not be published. Heat causes more evaporation. Doing the two together reduces the stress and shock it experiences. Brush away excess soil. Best Growing Conditions for Your Prayer Plant Since they originate in the tropical climates of Central and South America, prayer plants demand jungle-like conditions to thrive indoors. Calathea Zebrina doesn’t show dust as fast as Calathea Ornata for example but it will still need cleaning once in a while. However, if you live in areas that experience winters, it also means that they’re not suited to being grown outdoors all year round. Recommendations for growing success: Light: Partial shade to indirect sunlight. This ensures that the moisture reaches the roots at the bottom of the soil. • Bloom Description: Some species like Cala… Even with non toxic plants, nibbling plants should be avoided and keeping plants away from pets, especially if they like to eat them, is best. When this happens, your zebra plant’s leaves will curl, a sure sign that it is experiences distress. But, removing them also allows it to focus on new growth as opposed to spending resources and energy or dead or dying foliage. When pruning, always make sure to use sterilized tools. If you want to buy something out of the box, get African violet mix. This allows the chemicals to evaporate. When it comes to humidity, this one is one of the more “thirsty” calathea plants that we currently have – which is why it got it’s own humidity tray. And, if you turn the leaves over, you’ll see they have dark red hue to them. Go up only 1 to 2 sizes. Once you’ve chosen a segment, carefully separate that section from the main rootball. Once divided, fill the new pot and current pot with fresh potting soil. A stone humidity tray solved the problem in no time. Insert the plant into the new container and fill the extra space with soil. Make sure you have enough soil to fill the new pot. A few symptoms of potential root rot include: Parts of the plant become black and look rotted. In addition to a new pot, you always want to have fresh potting soil on hand. Calathea Care Guide Light. Your local plant store (or online shop) may carry a mix that is geared towards calatheas so it’s always best to check and ask. Humidity: Requires extra humidity. The chances of this happening indoors are not that high, but if it has, just move the plant a few feet away from the window. Your plant needs more humidity. … So, if one plant is infected, always check those beside it as well. Thus, it is used to dapple or diffused light. Develop a good watering routine to keep your plant strong and healthy, most of the time this means 2-3 times per week during summer and 1-2 times per week during winter months. Gorgeous member of the marantaceae family, calathea zebrina proudly shows off it’s striped velvety leaves. But, allowing the soil to completely dry out is also a no-no. The elliptical leaves can reach 18 inches. Thus, you want to pour water on the soil until the liquid starts dripping from the pots drainage holes. Calatheas like humidity and will benefit from misting every couple of days. Otherwise, move your plant to somewhere warmer. Water heavy on minerals? It should not be exposed to direct sunlight as it will burn the leaves. Rinsing the plant under running lukewarm water will take care of the problem. Zebra plant really, rally likes it’s misting. But, once the temperature drops into the low 50s they’ll start to struggle. Watering is by far the most challenging aspect of caring for your calathea zebrina. As such, as long as it gets medium light indoors, it will be happy. If your calathea zebrina has root rot it will need to be repotted into fresh soil and clean pot (with roots washed and damaged roots removed). Brown or black and mushy roots speak trouble. Not watering zebra plant enough will result in leaves curling and yellowing. How to care for calathea medallion: grow the calathea in well-draining potting soil and water the plant enough so that the soil is moist. The Calathea Zebrina stands out of my prayer plant collection due to its almost light green tones, and its dark green stripes on its large leaves. Unfortunately, stem cutting doesn’t work with this plant. Zebra plants can be propagated by division during repotting. Description Calatheas are known for their amazing foliage and this Zebrina is surely no exception! Your zerba plant doesn’t require much pruning. If you notice roots coming out of the pot holes or roots that grow above soil before your scheduled repotting, it’s time to repot now. Calathea zebrina gets its name from its beautifully striped leaves. Both methods are free which is why I highly recommend them over distilled or filtered water. Allow the water to keep running for 3 to 5 minutes. Ideally, it likes relative humidity to be at 60% or higher. This makes the an east or north facing windows the best places to put your zebra plant. PLANT CARE TIPS. So, when either of these conditions happen too often, you might see its leaves curl or have brown edges (warm drafts). Grown for its velvety-looking leaves, Zebra Plant Calathea has light green leaves with distinctive dark green striping throughout the entire leaf and a light green central leaf vein. Caring for this plant does require developing a watering and misting routine (if needed), but all in all the zebra plant is fairly easy to keep alive and pretty (as far as calatheas go). Never allow this plant to … It likes humidity and moist soils but can put up with the odd dry spell. When you do water the plant, you want to water it thoroughly. You can likewise choose a pot that is porous. Too much light. Then insert both plants into their respective containers. You’ll be able to tell because roots will start showing up from under the container. Active growth means it drinks more. You can bring them out for the summer. The calathea zebrina is commonly known as the zebra plant. Adjust your watering routine to correct this issue. Is your zebra plant aching for more room? You only need to do so once every two or four weeks. That’s because in its native environment, it lives under the shade of larger trees. Gorgeous member of the marantaceae family, calathea zebrina proudly shows off it’s striped velvety leaves. This will prevent any pest or disease spread. If the temperature is above 55 or 60, then you’ll want to check the water situation. Gorgeous looks as well as being human and pet safe (non-toxic) plant, this one is one of our plant favorites, even if it can be dramatic at times. As such, as long as it gets medium light indoors, it will be happy. Conditions that are too cold or it not enough water will cause your calathea zebrina’s leaves to wilt. This allows the mixture to give enough hydration and nutrients to your plant. With pests, treatment will involved insecticidal soap and water. If you go from a lot of fertilizer and try to move down, you’ll likely see problems come up before you can adjust. After the liquid is fully drained, return the plant to its regular spot. Then, allow any excess moisture to drip out. Incidentally, zebrina is a latin word that means “stripes like a zebra”, which is an appropriate way of describing the plant’s foliage. Calathea Makoyana Calathea Ruffle. Lighting: Bright, indirect light Water: Once top two inches has dried out. Like all houseplants, calatheas need a … While it may seem counterintuitive for a plant that is considered tropical, calathea plants actually prefer filtered, indirect light or shade. Since calatheas are vulnerable to fertilizer salt buildup in the soil, you want to flush these excess salt and minerals every few months. You’ll also want to time it together with propagation (if you want to propagate) because the plant doesn’t like being moved. No direct sunlight for Calathea's otherwise you will lose the markings. In addition to being natural, it is also free. The best way to determine proper watering routine is to check the soil on your plant regularly and keep a diary. The markings on the tops of this variety’s leaves have thicker stripes, earning it the “zebra” name. As such, as the mercury nears 55 to 60 degrees sometime in the fall, it is time to bring them indoors. Our favorite solution to up the humidity is to increase your calathea collection or adding other humidity loving plants and place them close to each other, as the water evaporates from one plant it benefits the other. Because of all these changing factors, the best way to know when to water is to check the soil. Calathea zebrina, will thrive in bright places with indirect sunlight. You can estimate it by placing the plant beside it to see how much soil you need to put below. Peperomia Watermelon Plant Care and Information. Calathea Freddie six Calathea Rattlesnake Calathea Zebrina . If you are using tap water, let it sit overnight to dechlorinate. Bottled water, obviously not ideal solution, is fine too. Repot the plant every 2-3 years. Calathea plants need light, but you should never subject them to direct sunlight. Your Calathea will do best in medium to low indirect light. Keep out of direct light as the leaves will lose their beautiful markings. If you notice the patterns on the leaves starting to fade it means your zebra plant is receiving to much light. • Type: Evergreen perennial plant. Be extra careful to not overwater them, as Calatheas don’t like to sit in water – this will get your plant in trouble in no time. And, during this time, the plant is in its “rest phase”. This way you are able to adjust without damaging the plant. Many gardeners mistakenly believe that high heat and strong light are requirements necessary for the Calathea zebra houseplant and its tropical cousins. Warm or cold drafts are both no-no’s. Calathea Zebra Plants do well with bright, indirect light. A mix of potting soil, moss, perlite and bark. Fortunately, this also happens to be the temperature most homes have. However, you should not put your Calathea on a dark spot, either. All the relevant info at a glance. An ideal bathroom plant. The leaves are silky to the touch and grow horizontally from long stalks, concealing its undersides that are colored a rich reddish-purple (2). This plant prefers high humidity and indirect light. And, you should never allow the soil to dry out. You can use a hose or do it under the sink. • Spread: 2-3 ft. Plant name: Calathea Zebrina, Zebra Plant, Care: frequent watering, higher humidity, warm temperatures, Common Problems: curling leaves, root root, spider mites, leaf yellowing, brown leaf tips, Toxicity: Considered Non-Toxic to Humans and Pets (read more here). This variety has 8-12 inch wide, leathery … They can tolerate some degree of shade but the better the light conditions, the finer the foliage. Likewise, it is not a good idea to let it sit in water for long periods of time. This is something that is best talked about with your veterinarian. It has earned a special place on my favorite houseplant rankings, in big part due to its few caring needs. While not easy, it gives your plant a chance to recover and revive. WATER: Keep soil moist, never drench or allow soil to dry completely.Requires excellent drainage when in pots. And, it checks all the boxes your zebra plant needs. Truly worthy to add to your collection! Follow the steps below in the repotting section to take the plant out of the container. The plant thrives in medium light, away from direct sunlight, high humidity at 50%, and average room temperatures of between 65°F and 80°F (18°C – 27°). This means you always need to be vigilant when its comes to watering. It will do really well in a room that has a high air humidity. This plant also performs well without … Calathea are among the “lower” light plants if you would like to call them that, but they still need to be in front of a window for best results. The next best option is to let tap water sit at room temperature overnight. It is readily available in garden supply stores. The plant itself gets to between 1 to 3 feet tall when grown indoors, while its leaves will take center stage growing up to t to 1.5 feet long. Untangle any roots and trim off unhealthy looking ones. As such, you’ll see it doing its “prayer pose” when the light dims. Calathea Zebrina is a beautiful, on trend & highly sought after house plant that doesn't hang around when we get them in stock! Although this is simple and works really well. Indirect light – Calathea plants need bright, but not direct, sunlight to grow. Rainwater is the best option. Just follow the instructions. The best way to propagate your calathea zebrina is via division. Frequent watering, warm climate, indirect sunlight and good air humidity are required to keep this plant happy. A western or southern window would work, as long as a curtain or blind prevents direct light from touching the foliage. The soil should be slightly moist most of the time, but not wet. It doesn’t flower but offers abundant greenery. Jewel Orchid (Ludisia Discolor) Plant Care, Peperomia Obtusifolia Care – Growing Baby Rubber Plant, Peperomia Rosso (Peperomia Caperata) Plant Care, Grevillea Long John (Spider Flower) Plant Care. Given too much water, the plant is at risk of root rot. Calatheas love their soil to keep in humidity but not be wet, so you need a soil that will drain well an hold moisure. Whether it’s excess of darkness or direct sunlight, Calathea zebrina calls for protection from both. It’s time to repot! Doing so will damage its leaves burning them. This is why you want to keep it healthy. Carefully take the plant out of its container. If it isn’t growing as much as it should gradually add until you get the optimal results. Additionally, division is a great way of controlling or reducing the size of the parent plant since you take a part of it off. Its tropical nature also means that it needs high humidity to thrive. They're used to growing beneath a canopy of trees on the jungle floor and are therefore adapted to brief dapples of sunlight instead of constant harsh rays. Gently lift the plant out of the poot and ispect the roots – if the plant is rootbound it certainly needs a bigger pot.). CALATHEA ZEBRINA – ZEBRA PLANT. An African violet mix or your own recipe (see soil section above for one) will work. Then, let the plant drain. Misting helps raise the humidity of air around the plant so it’s something all calatheas really enjoy. The calathea zebrina grows best in medium to bright, indirect light. Calathea need plenty of diffused light, however direct sunlight may cause their leaves to fade and lost their markings. 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